Monday, August 28th, 2017
Pro-government commentators welcome the government’s firm reaction to criticism from the Dutch ambassador to Budapest. Left-wing and liberal pundits, on the other hand, accuse the government of paranoia and overreaction. READ MORE
Monday, July 17th, 2017
A liberal writer labels as cowards those political commentators who try to maintain a balanced view. They should show a little more civil courage and name the Orbán government as an outright tyranny. READ MORE
Monday, July 10th, 2017
A left-wing commentator interprets President Trump’s Warsaw speech as a harbinger of a more isolationist US. A conservative columnist agrees with President Trump that Europe needs to seal its borders in order to defend its core values. READ MORE
Wednesday, June 14th, 2017
A pro-government analyst wonders if the Left and Liberals in Hungary will label the French election as anti-democratic. A conservative commentator contends that the Hungarian opposition should learn from President Macron if it wants to challenge Fidesz. READ MORE
Friday, June 2nd, 2017
As Germany looks into freezing the EU funding of countries that violate the rule of law, a left-wing columnist supposes that the government might quit the EU if no EU funds were forthcoming. A liberal commentator suggests that it is unlikely that such punitive mechanisms will be implemented. READ MORE
Monday, May 29th, 2017
Two critics of the government agree that the resolution adopted by the European Parliament to launch a procedure to investigate whether basic European values are systematically transgressed in Hungary is unlikely to cause serious problems to the government. READ MORE
Friday, May 19th, 2017
Pro-government commentators interpret the EP resolution against Hungary as a politically motivated attack by pro-migration forces. An independent and a left-wing columnist, on the other hand, agree with the authors of the text which accuses Hungary of violating basic EU norms. READ MORE
Friday, April 21st, 2017
A left-wing columnist defends demonstrators who throw paint as public buildings, on the grounds that they ‘have no other means to express their anger.’ A pro-government commentator thinks that everyone has the right to protest but only as long as they obey the law and respect public order. READ MORE
Monday, December 19th, 2016
Conservative columnists discuss why Donald Trump is popular on the Hungarian Right. They agree that the Republican president-elect wants to reach out to voters abandoned by mainstream parties.They also think that Donald Trump will only reform democracy rather than bring it down. READ MORE
Friday, November 4th, 2016
A Marxist philosopher accuses the Hungarian government of attacking the foundations of a free society. A pro-government columnist on the other hand thinks that both left- and right-wing elites want to weaken Hungary’s sovereignty. READ MORE