Friday, June 12th, 2015
A left-wing pundit believes that the EP resolution against Hungary will severely harm the Orbán government. A conservative columnist on the other hand contends that it will give Viktor Orbán another chance to enhance his image as a defender of national sovereignty. READ MORE
Monday, May 11th, 2015
The Prime Minister proposed a discussion on the death penalty and has got his way: the internet is bursting with comments on the issue. Most object to the idea of re-opening the debate, but some back the Prime Minister’s initiative. READ MORE
Thursday, May 7th, 2015
A pro-government analyst explains PM Orbán’s controversial statement on “keeping the issue of the death sentence on the agenda” as part of a ‘plebeian’ strategy aimed at re-invigorating the Fidesz constituency at a time when passive attitudes would lead to defeat. READ MORE
Monday, May 4th, 2015
PM Orbán’s clarification that he is not seriously considering the reintroduction of death penalty, provokes a conservative columnist to wonder what purpose the whole dispute over the issue served. READ MORE
Thursday, April 30th, 2015
Liberal commentators accuse Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of co-opting the rhetoric of the radical nationalist Jobbik party, by calling for the death penalty to be ‘kept on the agenda’. A pro-party government lawyer believes that the government cannot simply ignore the ‘majority view’ which he believes would support its reintroduction. READ MORE