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Contrasting views on PM Orbán's Turul statue speech

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Népszabadság criticizes Prime Minister Orbán for unveiling and praising a Turul-sculpture, which the daily considers a nationalistic symbol. According to a pro-government commentator, that criticism shows that the left cannot tolerate feelings of national belonging. READ MORE

Pleas for a more balanced approach to the Horthy renaissance

Saturday, June 23rd, 2012

After an angry and passionate exchange of opinions about a supposed revival of the cult of Miklós Horthy, leading columnists from both left and right call for a less opinionated approach, and caution against the over-politicized simplification and distortion of controversial and sensitive historical issues. READ MORE

History as the main battlefield of the culture wars

Friday, June 15th, 2012

A leading conservative journalist calls for a peaceful assessment of 20th century Hungarian history, and blames the left for refusing to face the negative heritage of the Communist past. READ MORE