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Leftist takes on EU funding talks ’on the home stretch’

Monday, November 14th, 2022

A left-wing columnist and a liberal weekly doubt if the government really wants to meet the requirements set for the release of suspended EU transfers. READ MORE

Supreme Court narrows down government’s ‘child protection’ referendum

Monday, November 1st, 2021

A left-wing liberal commentator welcomes the Curia’s decision to dismiss one of the government’s referendum questions on the controversial child protection law. Magyar Narancs concedes that as the ruling shows, courts still are ‘to a certain extent’ still independent. READ MORE

Dispute over child pornography laws

Friday, July 10th, 2020
A left-wing commentator cautions the Left against following its moral sentiments and demanding harsher punishment for pedophiles. A pro-government columnist accuses the Left of hypocrisy.


European Court rules against Hungary’s migrant centers

Monday, May 18th, 2020

As the EU’s top court strikes down the transit zones which form the cornerstone of the government’s asylum policies, a liberal and a conservative pundit ponder the future of migration regulations in Hungary and the EU. READ MORE

Curia upholds compensation for segregated Roma

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Pro-government commentators scorn the Curia (the Hungarian Supreme Court) for upholding the cash compensation for the mostly Roma children who were taught in separate classrooms in the municipality of Gyöngyöspata in northern Hungary. A left-wing philosopher welcomes the decision which he interprets as a victory in the battle against racism. READ MORE

Debate over compensation for inmates and Roma rolls on

Monday, January 27th, 2020

Weeklies and weekend editions of dailies right across the political spectrum discuss the implications of the government’s plans to suspend payment of compensation for  inmates who have won court cases for overcrowding and Roma children taught in segregated classrooms. Each side accuses the other of inciting hatred and threatening the constitutional order. READ MORE

Government suspends payment of compensation to inmates

Tuesday, January 21st, 2020

A liberal commentator thinks that the government’s decision to suspend the payment of compensation to inmates further weakens the rule of law. A pro-government columnist welcomes the decision, and finds it fully in-line with the opinion of most Hungarians. READ MORE

Conservative lawyer lambasts the Curia

Monday, December 16th, 2019

A conservative legal expert accuses the high court of violating Constitutional principles by acquitting demonstrators who mocked the Catholic liturgy in a pro-choice performance. READ MORE

European Court rules in favour of gay marriage

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

A pro-government columnist worries about the prospect of unelected officials and judges imposing their own values on nations within the European Union.  READ MORE

Constitutional Court postpones discussion of ‘lex CEU’ and ‘NGO’ bills

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

A liberal and a pro-government pundit lambast the Constitutional Court for not discussing the constitutionality of the so-called ‘lex CEU’ and the anti-NGO legislation. READ MORE