Saturday, June 16th, 2012
A right wing columnist suggests that the 2013 draft budget figures to be submitted to Parliament might be too optimistic, although they had been intended to reassure the markets. A left wing pundit thinks Economy Minister György Matolcsy’s attempt to refute an article published in The Economist is damaging to Hungary’s reputation. READ MORE
Friday, June 1st, 2012
Commentators all welcome the recommendation of the European Commission that an earlier threat to suspend development aid to Hungary should not be carried out. They also warn, however, that the government still has a lot to do in order to boost economic growth and restore investors’ confidence. READ MORE
Tuesday, December 13th, 2011
Analysts across the political spectrum criticize the Prime Minister’s controversial message after last week’s European summit. A left-wing commentator, however, finds Orbán’s strategy reasonable and believes the PM’s apparent inconsistency is motivated by the expectations of the public. READ MORE
Thursday, November 17th, 2011
Ever more analysts are asking themselves whether Hungary will be able to get away without requesting, at some future moment, a new loan from the IMF. Both Népszabadság and an influential political scientist consider what political problems such a development might cause for PM Viktor Orbán. READ MORE
Saturday, November 12th, 2011
Commenting on the EU’s decision to keep Hungary under its ‘excessive deficit procedure’, Népszabadság’s main business analyst fears that Hungary cannot avoid a debt-crisis. Another leading columnist in the number one left-wing daily believes that the government has still not given up its policy illusions.
Wednesday, October 12th, 2011
A conservative economist and a right-wing commentator both suggest that next year’s budget cuts and tax increases are the consequence of unforeseen global economic factors. The draft of next year’s budget anticipates slower growth and contains further cuts in expenditures. READ MORE
Friday, September 30th, 2011
The main pro-government daily is worried about how the public will receive the rigorous fiscal policy that the government has to follow in today’s hostile environment. READ MORE
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
Népszabadság discusses what it calls a ‘Houdini’ effect in cultural issues, which results in the disappearance of state subsidies. Magyar Nemzet, on the other hand, blames former left wing governments for the present crisis, and suggests changes to next year’s budget which would benefit lower wage earners.
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011
Commenting on the main figures of next year’s budget, Népszabadság pokes fun at the government’s assurances that no restrictions are being imposed. A right wing commentator fears that the rigorous fiscal policy outlined by the Minister of the Economy will prove costly in terms of voters’ support. READ MORE