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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

MNB extends cheap loan programme

Monday, September 16th, 2013

Analysts across the political spectrum ponder the possible implications of the National Bank’s extended lending program, which aims to stimulate economic growth. READ MORE

Ruminations on sexist statement in Parliament

Saturday, September 14th, 2013

Commenting on a crude statement made by a Fidesz State Secretary, left-wing pundits accuse the right-wing politician of fomenting male chauvinism and sexism. A pro-government columnist also criticizes the vulgar tone used by MP Illés, but finds the left-wing outcry over the impolite words somewhat hypocritical and overblown, nonetheless. READ MORE

Inflation at 39 year low

Friday, September 13th, 2013

The leading left-wing daily contends that despite the record low overall inflation rate, Hungarian families have to spend more on basic goods. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand, believes the low inflation rate proves that the government is on the right path. READ MORE

Socialist turn down Gyurcsány and Liberals

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

Commenting on the breakdown of the negotiations among left-wing parties, commentators suggest that the absence of a broad left-wing coalition plays into the hands of Fidesz. READ MORE

Utility tariff cuts as campaign tools

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Commenting on the government’s plan to transform the energy and utility providers into non-profit services, a left-wing and a centrist columnist accuse the government of welfare populism. A right-wing pundit, on the other hand, believes that the Socialists want to increase their popularity by creating a fully welfare dependent constituency. READ MORE

Romania 3, Hungary 0 – the political overtones

Monday, September 9th, 2013

A pro-government paper criticizes The New York Times for overemphasizing the tension caused by extremist Hungarian fans, or ultras, without reporting on similar incidents on the Romanian side. The leading left-wing Hungarian daily reminds readers that no one outside Hungary expected the national team to win and the government was rather late in warning Hungarian fans to abstain from wrongdoing. A transborder Hungarian writer describes how harmful the ultra’s behaviour will be for Hungarians in Transylvania. READ MORE

The pitfalls of forex-based mortgages

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

A liberal analyst says the greatest problem Fidesz faces in the upcoming campaign is how to handle hundreds of thousands of voters with forex mortgages who can no longer be won over with expressions of sympathy and solidarity. A left-leaning commentator disagrees and foresees further verbal manoeuvring to appease angry mortgage holders. READ MORE

Opposition electoral pact under scrutiny

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Left-wing commentators hope the agreement will put an end to destructive rivalry within the Left; liberal pundits are sceptical; professional analysts think Bajnai must now prove his ability to attract undecided voters if he wants the alliance to have a chance, while pro-government columnists are divided on whether or not the government can now lean back and consider next year’s election a mere formality. READ MORE

Left-wing electoral pact

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

In their first reactions to the agreement suddenly clinched by opposition leaders after a painful clash last week (see BudaPost, August 26 and 27), left-wing commentators are cautiously optimistic about the chances of the new alliance. READ MORE

Forex debtor rescue plans – the left-wing angle

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Figyelő fears that the rescue scheme may encourage debtors to default. Népszabadság warns that imposing excessive burdens on banks will harm recovery. READ MORE