Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category
Wednesday, December 18th, 2013
A pro-government daily accuses the top court of siding with banks, avoiding relevant questions and undermining public faith in the courts, while the leading opposition daily says the story is far from over and suspects that this resolution is exactly what the government hoped for. READ MORE
Saturday, December 14th, 2013
As the Hungarian state run energy company reaches agreement with Gazprom on plans for the South Stream pipeline, a leading left-wing daily contends that, in the dispute over the pipeline, PM Orbán has to find a delicate balance between Russia and the EU. READ MORE
Friday, December 13th, 2013
In an article to mark the twentieth anniversary of PM József Antall’s death, a left-wing pundit contends that the current right-wing parties have betrayed Antall’s conservative liberal vision. Another former ally of PM Antall, on the other hand, believes that the main goal set by the first democratically elected Prime Minister is being fulfilled by the Orbán government. READ MORE
Monday, December 9th, 2013
Various commentators – including even some who otherwise deem the government’s performance appalling – believe that the opposition hardly stands a chance at the elections scheduled for next spring. READ MORE
Thursday, December 5th, 2013
Columnists disagree on a decision by the Equal Treatment Authority, according to which free entry to night clubs offered for women only is discriminatory and thus should be banned. READ MORE
Wednesday, December 4th, 2013
A left-wing columnist speculates that the likelihood of the reopening of talks between the EU and Ukraine is diminishing. Conservative commentators doubt if the Ukrainian opposition parties are really committed to the values of the European Union or even if the EU-bid would serve the country’s interests. READ MORE
Monday, December 2nd, 2013
A new centrist internet opinion site thinks Ferenc Gyurcsány is unlikely to be welcomed in the opposition alliance although he does offer a clear liberal vision. The leading left-wing daily agrees: Gyurcsány does not seem to understand that the Socialists never back down under external pressure. READ MORE
Monday, December 2nd, 2013
A left-wing daily believes the new Roma party will eat into the constituency of the opposition, while a Roma politician maintains in a pro-government weekly that the Roma should change themselves, to change their plight. READ MORE
Friday, November 29th, 2013
Left-wing commentators agree that it is unlikely that the public will ever get to the bottom ofthe alleged tax fraud case. While one commentary writes the alleged misconduct of the Tax Authority does not bother Fidesz voters, the other opposition commentator says the whistleblower botched his revelation and the issue will end in a Parliamentary catfight. READ MORE
Wednesday, November 27th, 2013
The leading left-wing daily writes that although the opposition candidate won the Fót municipal by-election, the turnout indicates a complete loss of voter confidence rather than a victory for the opposition. READ MORE