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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

Navracsics nominated Brussels Commissioner for Education

Friday, September 12th, 2014

The Left considers the post insignificant and an expression of dissatisfaction with the Hungarian government, while the Right thinks the portfolio is of strategic importance. READ MORE

NGOs suspected of embezzlement

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
Left-liberal dailies sharply criticise the government after police searched the offices of two NGOs. They believe the authorities are simply out to get civic groups which dare to criticise the government. A leading member of the largest pro-government civic organisation rejects accusations of anti-democratic tendencies against the government. READ MORE

Viktor Orbán’s speech at Kötcse

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

Left-wing commentators accuse the Prime Minister of intending to make it impossible for the Left to return to government by continuously tinkering with electoral rules. A right-wing columnist suggests that in order to make the defeat of the Left definitive, right-wing intellectuals must improve their performance. READ MORE

NATO force deployment in Eastern Europe

Monday, September 8th, 2014

Following NATO’s decision to set up rapid response force bases in Eastern Europe, left-wing commentators believe that the Orbán government will have to join the West and stand up to Russia. READ MORE

Divergent takes on positive growth indicators

Friday, September 5th, 2014

The leading left-wing daily accuses the government of tinkering with key economic indicators in order to suggest that the economy is growing rather than stagnating. A conservative analyst finds the Left guilty of claiming that the Hungarian economy is in bad shape, despite sizeable increases in most key indicators. READ MORE

Gyurcsány’s call for a united leftist party rejected

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

A conservative commentator contends that former PM Gyurcsány’s proposal to unite the Left within a single party cannot be taken seriously. READ MORE

PM Orbán briefs Hungary’s ambassadors

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

Népszabadság thinks Hungarian diplomats in the world will have a hard time explaining the policies of their government because they depart from the international consensus. Magyar Nemzet, on the other hand, suggests that Hungary has to get rid of ideological constraints and be pragmatic in her choices, but the fact that the country belongs to the Western world remains unquestionable. READ MORE

Remembering the fall of the Iron Curtain

Saturday, August 23rd, 2014

Looking back on the 1989 Pan-European Picnic, a pro-government commentator contends that at the time, Hungarians had unrealistic hopes about the transition. He also believes that the West should show more respect towards Hungarian sovereignty. A left-wing columnist accuses PM Orbán of knocking liberal democracy again. READ MORE

PM criticises sanctions against Russia

Monday, August 18th, 2014

Left-wing commentators accuse PM Orbán of siding with Putin in the controversy over Ukraine. A right-wing analyst suggests that Hungary has to walk a tightrope in that conflict. READ MORE

Left-wing discord

Thursday, August 14th, 2014
“The end of the alliance”, runs the front page headline of the leading left-wing daily. Népszabadság believes the partners are still busy building their own futures rather than laying the groundwork to succeed at the elections this autumn. READ MORE