Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category
Thursday, November 6th, 2014
A left-wing commentator contends that instead of boosting industrial output, the government should help the service sector. A conservative economist on the other hand notes that reindustrialization is in fashion both in the EU and in the US. READ MORE
Tuesday, October 28th, 2014
The leading left-wing daily describes how Sunday’s protest against the planned internet tax turned into an overall anti-Fidesz demonstration. A moderate blog wonders if the opposition will in the future try to counter the government through similar, not necessarily non-violent mass rallies. READ MORE
Monday, October 27th, 2014
Commentators across the political spectrum agree that the United States wants Hungary to reverse the political course it has been following for the past few years. All place the recent American entry ban imposed on six Hungarian personalities suspected of corruption in this context. But they disagree on who is right and who is wrong in this dispute. READ MORE
Friday, October 24th, 2014
On the 58th anniversary of the Hungarian revolution, commentators tend to claim the sole inheritance of the revolution for their own political families and deem the opposing side unworthy of the memory of the anti-Soviet uprising.
Monday, October 20th, 2014
As the US bans a number of unnamed Hungarian state officials and businessmen from entering the US, left-wing and liberal columnists contend that the US wants to teach what they call the corrupt and increasingly pro-Russian Orbán government a lesson. Conservative pundits believe that the US wants to set an example and send the message that it does not tolerate any deviation from its foreign policy line or any violation of its financial interests. READ MORE
Saturday, October 18th, 2014
As the Szeged Tribunal disbands the Szebb Jövőért (For a Better Future) organization created by the former leaders of the Hungarian Guard which was dissolved in 2009, the leading left-wing daily predicts that another similarly racist organization will be set up soon. READ MORE
Thursday, October 16th, 2014
A pro-government columnist predicts that the left-wing parties will continue their battle for ideas and leadership as Socialist leader Tóbiás announces plans to distance the MSZP from the liberal opposition parties. A left-wing commentator welcomes his plan to reconnect with poor voters in the countryside who have been lured away by Jobbik. READ MORE
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
Left-wing liberal columnists contend that the Fidesz victory in the municipal elections is the result of growing defeatism and apathy among voters. A conservative commentator, on the other hand, believes that low turnout is an indication of voters’ confidence and trust in the governing party. READ MORE
Tuesday, October 14th, 2014
Commenting on the results of the municipal elections, the leading left-wing daily calls for a complete overhaul of the Left in order to stop the emergence of what it calls a totalitarian one-party system. The leading pro-government daily points out that the Left managed to increase its support slightly within the new electoral system which it often called illegitimate and biased. READ MORE
Monday, October 13th, 2014
In their last comments before Sunday’s municipal elections, analysts agree on one thing: Fidesz’s overwhelming superiority is mainly due to the deep crisis of the left-wing opposition. Few have much confidence that a sizeable left-wing might rise from the ashes any time soon.