Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category
Friday, December 5th, 2014
The leading left-wing daily considersSenator McCain’s apparent description of PM Orbán as a “neofascist dictator” a gross exaggeration. A pro-government commentator believes that Senator McCain’s statements are confused, unfair and motivated by US economic interests.
Friday, November 28th, 2014
Commentators across the political spectrum believe that if the Fidesz tycoon does actually challenge the official Fidesz candidate in the by-election scheduled for February next year, then the rift between him and the Prime Minister must be even more serious than observers realised.
Thursday, November 27th, 2014
In an unprecedented frontal attack on the government, the leading left-wing daily names top leaders in a front page editorial entitled “Corruption”. READ MORE
Tuesday, November 25th, 2014
Commenting on a Friday rally held by teachers’ trade unions opposed to the government, the leading left-wing daily cautions against organizing demonstrations if no large scale participation is ensured. A moderate analyst suggeststs that the Left has alienated the trade unions, their natural allies, by embracing neoliberal doctrines. READ MORE
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
Népszabadság thinks the 15 thousand strong Budapest rally signalled a turning point in anti-government protest, while liberal pundits criticise demonstrators for condemning not just the incumbent government, but all its predecessors over the past 25 years as well. READ MORE
Monday, November 17th, 2014
As the Hungarian government reveals an aide memoire by the US Embassy’s document on corruption, a conservative columnist accuses the US of trying to pressure the Hungarian government in defense of American business interest. Left-wing commentators accuse the Hungarian government of closing its eyes over institutional corruption. READ MORE
Friday, November 14th, 2014
Two conservative columnists accuse The New York Times of bias for deciding not to publish an interview with Imre Kertész Nobel prize winning novelist who dismissed the idea that Hungary was a dictatorship. READ MORE
Thursday, November 13th, 2014
A left-wing columnist urges Tax Authority chief Ildikó Vida to step down as soon as possible. A conservative commentator accuses the US Chargé d’Affaires of actively supporting anti-government organizations and encouraging protests. READ MORE
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
A liberal columnist finds it highly problematic that the Socialists support a candidate with past KGB affiliation in a parliamentary by-election scheduled for the end of November. READ MORE
Friday, November 7th, 2014
Left-wing commentators accuse the government of having lied for two weeks by claiming not to know if the President of the Tax Authority was one of the six Hungarians banned from entering the United States, on suspicion of corruption. A leading politician reiterates that Mrs Vida never informed the cabinet. READ MORE