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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

Jobbik’s challenges

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

The leading left-wing daily explains Jobbik’s rise as the failure of the Left. A conservative commentator suggests that opinion polls three years ahead of the next elections should not be taken too seriously, since voters become more moderate and mainstream as real elections near. READ MORE

On the state of Hungarian media

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

A conservative political scientist contends that ‘gonzo’ journalism has become dominant in left-leaning media. A Marxist philosopher adds that mainstream media, both Left and Right unwittingly help Jobbik. A liberal commentator recommends that public media should be completely closed down since they always serve the interests of the governing side. A moderate commentator believes that political analysts have become mercenaries in the partisan debates. READ MORE

Hungary to participate in anti-ISIS military action

Friday, March 20th, 2015

As Fidesz MPs support the government’s plan to send soldiers to Iraq, a conservative columnist fears that the mission may be more dangerous than the government suggests. A left-wing commentator suspects that participation in the mission is an attempt by the government to improve its relations with the US, but he nonetheless supports the idea of taking part in the military action. READ MORE

Third brokerage house goes bankrupt in 8 days

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Analysts are urging measures to bolster supervision over financial institutions after the collapse of Quaestor, Hungary’s biggest brokerage house, the third such case in just over a week. They fear that citizens will lose their already waning confidence in banks, which would severely impair the economy. READ MORE

Simicska accuses Orbán of informing on him in Communist era

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Commentators are predominantly sceptical about the allegation that PM Orbán was recruited by the communist secret services during his military service in 1982. READ MORE

Socialists urged to distance themselves from liberals

Monday, March 9th, 2015

A centrist analyst calls on the Socialist Party to return to social democratic principles, or risk further decline, including the danger of losing its voters to Jobbik. READ MORE

Ruminations on the health care system

Saturday, March 7th, 2015

The leading left-wing daily calls for privatization or substantial extra public spending in the health care system in order to overcome current underfinancing. A liberal commentator fears that the government’s plans to raise wages will not deter doctors from leaving the country or accepting cash ‘bonuses’ from patients. READ MORE

Major brokerage house investigated for fraud

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

Pundits both on Right and Left fear that trust in banks and financial markets will weaken as the National Bank suspends operation of the Buda-Cash brokerage house, and estimates that as much as 100 billion Forints may have been embezzled. READ MORE

Hungarian repercussions of Boris Nemtsov’s murder

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

The leading left-wing daily contends that Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov was murdered because of his critical views of the Kremlin, and blasts PM Orbán for considering Putin’s illiberal democracy a role model. Conservative columnists suspect that it was not in Putin’s interest to have Nemtsov assassinated, since his death will be used by the anti-Putin camp. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s ’State of the Nation’ address

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Discussing the Prime Minister’s annual speech to his followers, commentators wonder if his exhortation to work and fight harder will be sufficient to reinvigorate the increasingly sluggish Fidesz electorate, which, despite the defeat of a pro-government candidate in last week’s by-election, is still incomparably stronger than its competitors.