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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

Summit rejects Orbán’s plan to guard Greece’s borders

Friday, September 25th, 2015

After the EU summit agreed to try and keep Syrian refugees outside the European Union, but declined the Hungarian proposal to set up a joint force to guard Greece’s maritime borders, left-wing commentators think the Prime Minister has gone too far in criticising Chancellor Merkel of Germany. READ MORE

Army to be deployed to defend the border

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015

As Parliament authorises the deployment of army units to police Hungary’s borders, left-wing newspapers suspect that the real aim of the government is to increase its own popularity by giving the impression of protecting the population against mass immigration. They also lambast the Socialist Party for not taking a clear stance. READ MORE

PM’s plan for EU action on migration

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

As Prime Minister Viktor Orbán prepares to propose that all EU members contribute one per cent of their budgets to finance an all-European programme to tackle the migrants crisis, a left-wing reporter believes that his proposals might be supported by international leaders. READ MORE

Migrants streaming in again – from Croatia

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Since Hungary closed its border with Serbia last week, migrants are being bused by Serbia to the Croatian border and from there by Croatia to Slovenia and to Hungary. While the Hungarian authorities are building a border fence along the border with Croatia to stop the inflow, commentators discuss to what extent the attitude of the Hungarian government is morally and legally justified.


Migrants clash with Hungarian border police

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Hungary has been sharply criticised by Serbian, Romanian and German politicians for authorising the use of teargas and water cannons against a group of migrants who attempted to break through its closed border crossing. Commentators assess the potential international consequences. READ MORE

Hungary’s first day behind the fence

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

As hundreds of migrants gathered on the Serbian side of Hungary’s border fence, and many hundred more set off towards Croatia, commentators discuss the implications of Hungary’s tough stance on immigration. READ MORE

Hungary seals her border with Serbia

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

As Hungary closes its southern borders to undocumented migrants, and begins to process their asylum applications at a special checkpoint, commentators fear that this is not the end of the migrant crisis. READ MORE

Migration: the clash of civilizations?

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Pundits on both the Right and the Left fear that European civilization, based on Christian and Enlightenment values is endangered by Muslim migrants, whose culture is not compatible with European norms. READ MORE

Russia’s involvement in the Syrian war

Saturday, September 12th, 2015

The leading left-wing daily finds Russian military aid to President Assad of Syria indispensable to stop IS, and thus to halt further waves of refugees. This, Népszabadság adds, is bad news for pro-democracy rebels. READ MORE

Hungary’s image problem amidst the migration crisis

Thursday, September 10th, 2015

A conservative lawyer accuses EU countries including Germany of demonising Hungary. A left-wing columnist fears that international criticism, even if exaggerated will severely harm Hungary’s image. READ MORE