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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

Chancellor Merkel and PM Orbán on the international front pages

Monday, December 14th, 2015

As Angela Merkel is named person of the year by Time magazine, and the Economist features PM Orbán alongside Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, commentators ruminate on the growing rift between liberal elites and their opponents. READ MORE

Criticism of planned statue of anti-Semitic Interwar Minister of Education

Saturday, December 12th, 2015

The leading left-wing daily criticizes plans to honour the memory of historian Bálint Hóman, who as Minister of Education and Religion under Regent Miklos Horthy was actively involved in anti-Semitic legislation. READ MORE

Le Pen at the gates 

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

As the National Front advances in the first round of the French municipal elections, pundits across the political spectrum try to assess whether the appeal of radical parties in Europe is a transient phenomenon, or if it is likely to stay. READ MORE

MSZP opens way to primaries

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Népszabadság quotes analysts who believe that the Socialist Party congress put off the showdown between the party chairman and his critics until next spring. Two right-wing commentators suggest that the MSZP is on its last legs as a parliamentary force. READ MORE

MAZSIHISZ asks PM Orbán for increased protection for Hungarian Jews

Monday, November 30th, 2015

A liberal columnist accuses a leading Hungarian Jewish organization of helping PM Orbán’s anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim politics by requesting the Prime Minister to increase security measures aimed at protecting Hungarian Jews. READ MORE

Escalation of Syrian crisis feared

Thursday, November 26th, 2015

Commenting on the downing of the Russian jet, columnists on Left and Right think that after the incident, it is unlikely that Russia will work with NATO to jointly restore peace in Syria. READ MORE

Fear of terrorism haunts Europe

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

As terrorism alerts are announced in Europe and Brussels is closed off for days, columnists on both Left and Right ponder how much freedom we should sacrifice for the sake of security. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s lonely stance on migration seen as vindicated

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

In the light of the Paris terrorist attacks and statements by several European leaders suggesting that they have no reason to revise their migration policies, conservative analysts, whether pro-government or not, suggest that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was right to argue against unfettered immigration from the start. Opinions diverge however on possible solutions to the problem. READ MORE

Brussels opposes Paks extension

Friday, November 20th, 2015

After taking the decision of the European Commission for granted the night before it was due to be announced, Thursday’s dailies launch what will certainly be a drawn-out debate on the extension of Hungary’s nuclear power station in general, and its award to Russia’s  Rosatom in particular. READ MORE

Left-wing fears of anti-immigrant shift

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

Left-wing commentators caution against linking the terrorist threat to the current wave of migration to Europe, but fear that their consistent efforts to encourage a friendly attitude towards migrants have suffered a huge blow after the Paris terror attacks. READ MORE