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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

Former Socialist Budapest Deputy Mayor receives suspended sentence

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

As the former Deputy Mayor of Budapest gets a suspended prison sentence, commentators both on Left and Right ponder the wider political implications of the court ruling. READ MORE

Racist serial killers’ life sentence

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

Commenting on the life sentence handed down to three extreme right-wing recist serial killers, the leading left-wing daily accuses the general public of apathy towards the death of six fellow citizens. READ MORE

Son of Saul wins Golden Globe

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

Besides welcoming the unprecedented success of a Hungarian film, commentators ponder the Prime Minister’s message of congratulations, and the anti-Semitic comments posted by readers of Mr Orbán’s Facebook page.


Holocaust denier sentenced to fine – or jail

Monday, January 11th, 2016

As a Facebook commenter is sentenced to pay a high fine or go to prison for Holocaust denial, commentators wonder whether  sanctioning hate speech makes sense as a means of fighting anti-Semitism. READ MORE

Hungarian reflection on the Cologne gang assaults

Friday, January 8th, 2016

A conservative columnist criticizes the liberal media for failing to report on the Cologne and Hamburg assaults. A left-wing pundit thinks proper coverage was impossible in the absence of factual evidence. READ MORE

Housing subsidy scheme kicks off

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

Two conservative economists welcome the government’s plan to reverse unfavourable demographic trends through a lavish home subsidy scheme. A left-wing analyst thinks that the government’s proposal will be available only for middle class families and will thus entrench inequality. READ MORE

Europe tries to curb immigration

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

As European leaders face growing problems at home as a result of mass immigration, a pro-government commentator blames the crisis on what he calls ‘liberal delusions’. His left-wing counterpart urges Europe to curb immigration in order to avoid a takeover by far right populist parties. READ MORE

European Parliament condemns Hungary

Friday, December 18th, 2015

The number one left-wing daily is sceptical about the impact of the resolution adopted by the left-liberal majority of MEPs, accusing Hungary of systematically violating basic European values.


House speaker encourages women to bear children

Thursday, December 17th, 2015

Left-wing pundits spit fire at László Kövér, the Speaker of Parliament who said bearing children should be the most valued accomplishment in women’s lives. A conservative columnist thinks a debate on catastrophic demographic trends would be more appropriate than castigating a politician. READ MORE

The lessons of the French municipal elections

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

After centrist parties prevented the radical right wing from converting its first round lead into victory in France’s regional elections, commentators agree that the two traditional parties have no answers to the growing concerns of the French electorate. One even hints that they should learn from Hungary and Poland. READ MORE