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Archive for the ‘Népszabadság’ Category

Hungarian parties lose ground in Slovakia

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

Hungarian newspapers try to make sense of the chaotic political situation after the elections in Slovakia, and ponder what it means for relations between the two countries. READ MORE

Lessons of the Salgótarján mayoral by-election

Monday, March 7th, 2016

Following the victory of the MSZP candidate in the mayoral elections in the municipality of Salgótarján, analysts across the political board point out that if left-wing and radical right voters back the same candidate, they can defeat the governing party. READ MORE

Ruminations on Donald Trump

Saturday, March 5th, 2016

A conservative blogger hopes that Donald Trump wins the presidency and defeats what he calls the ‘politically correct mainstream elites’. The leading left-wing daily thinks that Trump’s victory would have catastrophic consequences. READ MORE

Parliament amends National Bank Act

Friday, March 4th, 2016

A left-wing and a centrist columnist criticize an amendment to the National Bank Act which removes from the realm of public funds the money offered by the National Bank to its own foundations – thereby allowing the Bank to treat that information as private. READ MORE

Son of Saul wins the Oscar

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

As László Nemes’ drama is awarded the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, commentators offer various interpretations of the movie, but all agree that it is an important work of art. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s state of the nation address

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Commenting on PM Orbán’s annual speech, conservative and pro-government columnists agree with the Prime Minister that the migration crisis is a grave threat to Europe and Hungary. Left-wing commentators, on the other hand, accuse Orbán of anti-EU policies and of ignoring the will of the Hungarians. READ MORE

Statue strife Nr 2: György Donáth

Monday, February 29th, 2016

Commenting on a foiled initiative to unveil the bust of a pre-war right-wing politician, left-wing commentators accuse the government of indulging in a cult of racist personalities. Their pro-government counterpart denies the allegation that György Donáth was an anti-Semite, while an independent conservative author calls on the opposing sides to show more tolerance towards each other. READ MORE

Cameron’s deal with the EU

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Two leading commentators agree that the deal struck by Great Britain at the EU summit last Saturday will probably be sufficient for British voters to opt for staying within the European Union in June, but Europe will never be the same again as a result. READ MORE

Discord on migration at the EU summit

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Analysts on Right and Left think that the crisis of the EU may deepen further still if member states insist on their own national interests. They do not agree, however, on whether the crisis should be overcome by strengthening national sovereignty or  by further centralization. READ MORE

Viktor Orbán’s visit to Moscow

Friday, February 19th, 2016

Commenting on PM Orbán’s meeting with Russian President Putin, left-wing analysts suspect that Putin wants to use Hungarian support to lift EU sanctions. Pro-government columnists, on the other hand, think that PM Orbán pursued pragmatic Hungarian interests in Moscow. READ MORE