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Government accused of using spyware

Tuesday, July 20th, 2021

As the government stands accused of using spyware to monitor critical journalists and other individuals, a left-wing pundit likens PM Orbán to the dictators of the East. Pro-government commentators are skeptical that the government illegally tapped its critics. READ MORE

EP condemns Hungary’s anti-LGBT law

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Pro-government commentators accuse the EU of endorsing gender and LGBT ideologies which are alien to everyday Europeans. A liberal media outlet thinks that Fidesz is using the anti-LGBT legislation to divert public attention from other issues the governing party is less comfortable with. READ MORE

The Prime Minister’s video on media freedom

Saturday, July 10th, 2021

A left-wing site dismisses the Prime Minister’s argument that the abundance of outlets harshly critical of his government is vivid proof of a free press in Hungary. A pro-government outlet takes the attempted murder of a Dutch journalist as an indication that The Netherlands has problems with media freedom. READ MORE

Calls for a ‘national’ Left

Friday, July 9th, 2021

A left-wing political scientist thinks that the Left needs to endorse patriotism if it wants to strengthen solidarity and equality. READ MORE

Hungary takes over Visegrad-4 presidency

Thursday, July 8th, 2021

A left-wing commentator sees Prime Minister Orbán’s vision of a strong and influential V4 as pie in the sky. A pro-government pundit, on the other hand, is convinced that the V4 will lead the EU’s rejuvenation. READ MORE

European Parliament portrayed as an ideological playground

Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

A pro-government columnist agrees with PM Orbán that the European Parliament focuses too much on ideological issues including gender politics, rather than engaging with what both see as more important problems. READ MORE

Football seen as politics by other means

Monday, June 28th, 2021

Commentators right across the political spectrum interpret the Hungarian team’s unexpected success and tragic exit from the European Football Championship as a political allegory. READ MORE

Dutch PM: Hungary has no place in the EU

Saturday, June 26th, 2021

A pro-government commentator suspects that western European critics of the Hungarian government are ‘following the orders of George Soros’ when they falsely accuse the government of anti-LGBT legislation. READ MORE

Most remaining Covid restrictions to be lifted

Friday, June 25th, 2021

As the government announces the lifting of Covid restrictions, a conservative commentator accuses the Left of endangering lives by weakening their supporters’ willingness to get vaccinated. READ MORE

National Bank raises base rate

Thursday, June 24th, 2021

Commenting on the rate hike announced by the National Bank on Tuesday, a left-wing columnist interprets National Bank President Matolcsy’s criticism of overspending as a declaration of war on the government. READ MORE