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Soaring energy prices

Saturday, October 16th, 2021

As energy prices skyrocket, a left-wing commentator calls on the government to lower taxes on gasoline. A conservative economist thinks that rising energy prices impact Hungary less than many other EU countries, thanks to the diversification of energy supply. READ MORE

Opposition frontrunners clash in third televised debate

Friday, October 15th, 2021

A liberal commentator thinks that despite the tense and personal exchange between Dobrev and Márki-Zay, there is no vast ideological cleavage between the opposition candidates. A conservative columnist suggests that the debate may help the opposition boost its visibility and broaden its base. READ MORE

Visegrad 4 collaboration in peril?

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

A centrist analyst suspects that the Visegrád alliance will lose steam, after the decision by the Polish Constitutional Court’s to reject the primacy of EU law over national legislation, and the likely end of Andrej Babis’ government in the Czech Republic. READ MORE

Fierce exchange between Dobrev and Márki-Zay

Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

As the second round of the opposition primary opens, Péter Márki-Zay and Klára Dobrev trade accusations of threatening opposition unity and jeopardizing the chance to defeat Fidesz. READ MORE

Ruminations on opposition’s vision

Tuesday, October 12th, 2021

A pro-government columnist thinks that the opposition candidates have so far failed to outline their political vision. An alt-left commentator criticizes Márki-Zay for endorsing liberal pro-market ideologies. READ MORE

Weeklies on discord within the opposition over proposals to scrap the 2011 constitution

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Commentators across the political spectrum wonder whether, if they win the election next April, the opposition could or would revoke the Fundamental Law – even in the absence of the required two-thirds majority in Parliament. READ MORE

Dobrev wins first round of opposition primary

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021

A left-liberal author ponders Klára Dobrev’s chances of winning the second round of the opposition primaries, and then of a Dobrev-led opposition defeating Fidesz in April 2022. A pro-government columnist believes that the primary has helped to entrench Ferenc Gyurcsány’s alleged control of the Left. READ MORE

First round of opposition primary concludes

Friday, October 1st, 2021
A pro-government commentator claims that the opposition primary is a stunt orchestrated by Ferenc Gyurcsány. A liberal columnist commenting on the preliminary results thinks that if Klára Dobrev wins in the second round as well, the opposition is unlikely to defeat Fidesz in the April election.


Exchange over prospects for Fidesz

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

A left-wing political scientist thinks that sooner or later the EU will cut funds to Hungary, and Fidesz will fall apart in the absence of money to hand out to its allies. A pro-government pundit finds such speculation absurd and describes it as ideologically motivated wishful thinking. READ MORE

More on the German elections

Wednesday, September 29th, 2021

The leading dailies all agree that post-electoral German coalition talks may turn out to be more interesting than the campaign itself. READ MORE