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Far right party leader fantasizes about annexing Sub-Carpathia

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

A liberal analyst believes that rumours about Ukraine’s neighbours intending to chop off Ukrainian territories originate from Moscow. READ MORE

Weeklies on Hungary’s looming crisis

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Five opposition-leaning weeklies ponder the possible political consequences of soaring inflation and the government’s conflicts with the western mainstream. But they doubt whether the opposition parties will be able to take advantage of the crisis. The two pro-government weeklies believe that the government is ‘on the right side of history’ in its international conflicts. READ MORE

Hungary’s revolution was crushed 66 years ago

Saturday, November 5th, 2022

Commentators on both sides of the political divide remember the Soviet invasion in 1956 with an eye on contemporary controversies. READ MORE

Row continues over judges visiting the US embassy

Friday, November 4th, 2022

A left-wing commentator finds the accusations levelled at the two judges who met the US ambassador ridiculous, while a pro-government columnist condemns leftist outlets who take up the defence of the two judges as biased. READ MORE

US Ambassador receives two judges

Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

Pro-government outlets urge the two judges to resign, as they interpret their visit to the US Embassy as a political act. A liberal outlet quotes arguments to the contrary. READ MORE

Weeklies on the anniversary of the 1956 revolution

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Opposition-leaning weeklies excoriate the Prime Minister’s latest remarks comparing the war in Ukraine to the Russian invasion of Hungary in 1956. A pro-government commentator advises Hungarians to draw strength from the example of the revolution in facing today’s hardships. READ MORE

’Partizán’ posts film about ’the agony of the MSZP’

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022

The nationwide left-wing daily suspects a deliberate political design behind a documentary by an opposition-minded influencer, who depicts the Socialist Party on the verge of extinction. READ MORE

Further reactions to the US Embassy Twitter video

Friday, October 21st, 2022

Two authors mentioned in the video reject it as an example of a patronizing US attitude. A left-wing commentator asserts that frictions with the United States are not in Hungary’s best interest. READ MORE

US Embassy cautions Hungary against ‘moving apart’

Thursday, October 20th, 2022

The leading pro-government daily describes as ’scandalous’ the US embassy reaction to ‘anti-American remarks’ by government and government-funded commentators. Meanwhile, a pro-government TV Station ’responds in kind’. READ MORE

Klára Dobrev calls for demonstrations on 23 October

Wednesday, October 19th, 2022

A pro-government pundit describes the appeal launched by the ‘shadow prime minister’ of the Democratic Coalition as an expression of ‘communist impudence’. READ MORE