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Gloomy outlook for 2023

Wednesday, December 28th, 2022

Analysts on both sides of the political divide fear that next year will bring further hardships for Hungarians – and the world. READ MORE

Weeklies on the EU payments deal

Monday, December 19th, 2022

A pro-government commentator hopes that by next spring EU decision-makers will convince themselves that Hungary has fulfilled the rule of law conditions set by the European Commission. Opposition-leaning columnists, on the other hand, welcome the decision to keep Hungary under close watch. READ MORE

PM Orbán declines doorstep after morning mass

Saturday, December 17th, 2022

Opinions diverge on whether it was ill-bred of a journalist to try and interview the Prime Minister as he was leaving a church service. READ MORE

DK halts the selection of the new director of Budapest Zoo

Friday, December 16th, 2022

The nationwide left-wing daily accuses the Democratic Coalition of just wanting to ‘show its claws’ by preventing the choice of the new city Zoo director from going ahead. READ MORE

Echoes of the EP corruption scandal

Thursday, December 15th, 2022

The main pro-government daily devotes two editorials in as many days to the case of the left-wing MEPs accused of having taken bribes from a Middle East country (apparently Qatar). READ MORE

Hungary strikes a deal with the EU

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

In their first reactions, news outlets offer opposing evaluations of the deal reached on Monday, whereby the EU will lower the level of a proposed funding freeze in exchange for Budapest lifting its veto on two items. READ MORE

Small post offices being closed

Tuesday, December 13th, 2022

A left-wing commentator fears that the decision by Magyar Posta, the national postal service, to temporarily close hundreds of small post offices will be definitive and will hit the most under-served Hungarians. READ MORE

Government scraps fuel price cap

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

Pundits from across the political spectrum find the government’s decision to lift the fuel price cap with immediate effect reasonable but draw conflicting conclusions from the matter. READ MORE

Weeklies on withheld EU funds

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Four opposition weeklies find the government guilty of running the risk that at least some of the EU transfers destined for Hungary will be lost. A pro-government pundit attributes the suspension of payments by the European Union to the political arrogance of its leaders. READ MORE

Teachers protest after eight more fired

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

As hundreds of teachers went on strike in protest against the government’s decision to dismiss eight more teachers for participating in the action, a left-wing commentator accuses the authorities of trying to intimidate their critics. The main pro-government daily remarks that a key figure in the protest is known for her left-wing stance. READ MORE