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Might the Constitution prove not to be a stumbling block?

Monday, July 4th, 2011

Two board members of the think tank set up by the last left wing Prime Minister argue for a compromise between right and left in Hungary over the controversial new Constitution. READ MORE

Clinton and Rice in Budapest

Monday, July 4th, 2011

Striking differences were apparent in the press coverage of the visits of two US Secretaries of State to Budapest. Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice came to unveil the monument to Ronald Reagan, while her successor, Hillary Clinton spoke at the opening ceremony of the Tom Lantos Institute. READ MORE

Tilting at windmills

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Though the initial hysteria about the new Hungarian media law has long subsided, fearmongers still maintain that free speech in Hungary is threatened by what they see as a far-right government, András Stumpf reports from a Bonn conference. READ MORE

Excesses of desire

Friday, July 1st, 2011

Hungarians love to hate mendacious political elites, and blame them for the difficulties the country has to face. But the source of all our problems runs deeper, says Gábor Bruck, former adviser and PR-director of the liberal Free Democrats (SZDSZ). Lack of sincerity is in the DNA of the Hungarian public, he suggests. READ MORE

Bull in a China shop

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Few question the advantages of the bilateral agreements signed by PM Viktor Orbán and his counterpart Wen Jiabao on June 25 in Budapest, especially in the mainstream press.  Many popular bloggers, however, even on the right of the political spectrum, argue that the government went too far in its courtesy towards the Asian giant. READ MORE

Will the new cocktail work?

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Fidesz secured a two-thirds majority in last year’s election by promising a stronger welfare state. Left-wing commentators suggest that in government they have reneged on their campaign pledges and taken an anti-welfare turn. Overall state intervention in the economy, nonetheless, has not decreased.


Disappearing Hungarians

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

The latest data suggest that the Hungarian population is continuing to decline. According to a right-wing daily, the recent changes in the welfare system may have contributed to this sad trend. A left-wing journalist notes that only in-depth surveys would uncover the real causes – one should not automatically blame the current government. READ MORE

Marching on the bridge

Monday, June 27th, 2011

The most notable change in Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s foreign policy is that he has realized the necessity of cooperating with China – writes Gyula Krajczár in Népszabadság.  The Hungarian PM and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao signed a dozen bilateral agreements on Saturday in Budapest. READ MORE

A time of guilt

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

A bill submitted to Parliament broadening the rights of the prosecution against suspected criminal offenders has caused a major uproar in the left wing press. Even a conservative commentator describes the successive amendments to the bill as ‘hasty.’ READ MORE

Hungary reduces its foreign debt exposure

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

The leading pro-government daily welcomes the measures being taken to cut back Hungary’s foreign debt as ‘a historic shift of direction’ after four decades of relentless borrowing. READ MORE