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Gyurcsány accused of 2006 police abuses

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Népszabadság believes the report submitted by the Prime Minister to Parliament on the conduct of the police force during the 2006 riots is part of a witch-hunt. The right-wing dailies demand a judicial inquiry into former Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány’s responsibility for the “acts of terror” unleashed by police commanders against peaceful citizens. READ MORE

Is it PC to shake hands with Jobbik?

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

Népszabadság caught LMP leader András Schiffer chatting with Jobbik chairman Gábor Vona in the MPs’ office building and finds the scene unacceptable. Mandiner’s blogger, on the other hand, expects civilised behaviour from MPs towards one another, regardless of their political affiliations. READ MORE

A possible consensus between foes

Monday, September 26th, 2011

A commentator in the left wing daily Népszabadság tries to find three issues on which consensus could be reached between Hungary’s bitterly divided parliamentary parties. READ MORE

Magyar Hírlap attacks Matolcsy

Monday, September 26th, 2011

In a commentary which borders on the offensive, Magyar Hírlap compares the government’s economic policies to those of its left-wing predecessors. READ MORE

Gyurcsány and the Socialist Party: mounting tension

Monday, September 26th, 2011

The Socialist party is wrong to concentrate on its own political infighting instead of attacking the government’s economic policy – left and right wing newspapers agree. Népszabadság believes the Gyurcsány saga plays into the hands of Fidesz, while according to Magyar Nemzet, Ferenc Gyurcsány and his followers have decided to split the Socialist Party, because they cannot take it over. READ MORE

Népszava in trouble

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

Népszava claims to be the only national daily that has increased its readership over the past year. It is in dire financial straits, nonetheless, but promises its readers it will survive. READ MORE

Ákos Kertész loses honorary citizenship

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Left-wing papers are fiercely critical of the decision by the Budapest City Council to strip the writer Ákos Kertész of his honorary citizenship, while a leading right-wing commentator believes he should have surrendered it himself after having denigrated his fellow Hungarian citizens. READ MORE

A hump on the flat tax

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

The main left wing papers and even a right wing daily contend that the government’s plan to introduce a levy on average and above-average incomes to compensate lower wage earners, amounts to abandoning its flat tax policy.


Feud continues over new budget

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Népszabadság discusses what it calls a ‘Houdini’ effect in cultural issues, which results in the disappearance of state subsidies. Magyar Nemzet, on the other hand, blames former left wing governments for the present crisis, and suggests changes to next year’s budget which would benefit lower wage earners. READ MORE

Next year’s budget is hard to sell

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Commenting on the main figures of next year’s budget, Népszabadság pokes fun at the government’s assurances that no restrictions are being imposed. A right wing commentator fears that the rigorous fiscal policy outlined by the Minister of the Economy will prove costly in terms of voters’ support. READ MORE