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Looking back on last week’s big protest rally

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Commentators wonder whether the mass meeting held under the slogan “We don’t like the system” will give birth to a new left wing opposition, or if it was a one-off event. READ MORE

The Wittner-case

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Népszava defends right wing MP Mária Wittner, a fighter in the ’56 revolution, who was verbally attacked by a left wing activist.  READ MORE

Waiting for Gordon

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Magyar Nemzet believes that the split of the Socialist Party is part of a strategy to maximize votes in the next general elections, while former PM Gordon Bajnai waits in the wings. READ MORE

First days in the life of Gyurcsány’s new party

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

A columnist in Népszabadság believes that the split in the Socialist Party will not take the country forward. A publicist in the pro-government Magyar Hírlap suggests former PM Ferenc Gyurcsány received a major blow from his former party chairman as he set up his new party. READ MORE

Back to Europe

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Magyar Hírlap welcomes PM Viktor Orbán’s decision to attend the EU-summit last weekend, instead of staying in Hungary to mark the anniversary of the 1956 revolution. READ MORE

They don’t like the system

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

People have no choice but to demonstrate against the authoritarian practices of the present government, Népszabadság believes, while Magyar Nemzet discovered politicians who supported the Gyurcsány government in the crowd at last weekend’s demonstration organised on Facebook. READ MORE

Remembering the 1956 revolution

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Left and right both accuse each other of appropriating and falsifying the message of the 1956 revolution. Right-wing pundits call for historical justice, while left-wing commentators think the government is abusing the anniversary to vilify the opposition. READ MORE

Instability in Libya after Gaddafi’s death

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Magyar Nemzet suggests that Libya will not be a safer place in the post-Gaddafi era. The right wing commentator also believes the dictator had to be killed because he knew too much. READ MORE

Former Communist offenders behind bars?

Friday, October 21st, 2011

Magyar Hírlap welcomes the idea of putting one time communist human rights offenders in the dock. Fidesz is planning to incorporate in Hungarian criminal law an international agreement according to which crimes against humanity are not be subject to a statute of limitations. READ MORE

The PM and the US Ambassador met „as friends”

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Hungary’s national dailies offer diametrically opposed interpretations of Tuesday’s meeting between PM Viktor Orbán and US ambassador Eleni Tsakopoulos-Kounalakis. Left wing newspapers believe the Hungarian government was severely criticised for what they term its undemocratic tendencies, while pro-government commentators suggest that no words of censure were uttered. READ MORE