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Calling for consensus against blood libel

Saturday, April 14th, 2012

A leading rabbi and a moderate conservative columnist condemn Jobbik MP Zsolt Baráth for his anti-Semitic speech in Parliament last week and call for civilized dialogue among democrats and joint action against hate speech. READ MORE

The EU sets vague conditions for credit talks

Friday, April 13th, 2012

The main pro-government daily describes the attitude of the European Commission towards Hungary as nonsensical, for it releases only vague statements on what conditions Hungary should fulfil in order to be judged fit to start negotiations with the IMF on a long awaited credit line agreement. According to the biggest left-wing newspaper, on the other hand, the real problem is that Brussels has no trust in Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. READ MORE

Szajlai strikes back

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

A conservative columnist urges the government to reach an agreement with the IMF, and implicitly rejects an official communique condemning his critical stance on the government’s economic policy. READ MORE

A Party politician for President – why not?

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

While the whole Hungarian political and media scene tries to guess who the next President will be, following Pál Schmitt’s resignation last week, a leading centrist analyst believes that despite some concerns, it would not necessarily be a problem if  the choice falls on a party politician. READ MORE

Remembering József Antall

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

A moderate right-wing columnist and a renowned sociologist believe that the former Prime Minister – who would have turned 80 this weekend – was the last old style Hungarian gentleman, while a liberal author remembers him as a dull speaker and a basically inept politician. READ MORE

Budapest Pride denied permission

Monday, April 9th, 2012

Left-wing commentators criticise the police for denying permission for the annual LGBT march in Budapest. They believe that the police by doing so is violating basic human rights. One speculates that the conservative government wants to make sure no gays appear in public. READ MORE

Anti-Semitic blood libel in Parliament

Monday, April 9th, 2012

A centrist analyst wonders what reasons a radical right-wing representative may have had when he addressed the House to request the commemoration of a young girl who disappeared from her village in 1882, and who, according to the old anti-Semitic narrative, was murdered by local Jews. READ MORE

Easter ruminations about the state of Christianity in Europe

Monday, April 9th, 2012

Right-wing commentators in Hungary this Easter alert their readers to the possible consequences of denying Europe’s Christian roots. They fear that without basic Christian values, naked materialism will prevail, and qualities like solidarity, basic human kindness and morality will suffer throughout the secularized continent. READ MORE

The Hungarian government should quarrel less and demand more

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

A left-wing economist calls upon the government to ask for more complex international financial assistance rather than bargaining so hard over the preconditions.


The LMP’s failed quest for a referendum

Friday, April 6th, 2012

A friendly columnist believes that the failure of the LMP to gather the 200 thousand signatures for their referendum project was a defeat for the left-wing opposition as a whole. READ MORE