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No reason to celebrate Greek election results

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

Commentators on both the left and the right warn that the victory of Greek moderate parties in Sunday’s elections will not bring the economic and political crisis in the country to an end. They all agree that if Greece defaults, it will entail the end of the European Union. READ MORE

Canada set to automatically reject Hungarian asylum claims

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012

A pro-government columnist welcomes the Canadian government’s plan to end the practice of granting refugee status to Hungarian claimants. Canada, he believes, has recognized that the mainly Roma Hungarian asylum seekers are not facing persecution, as NGOs and left-wing opposition parties claim. READ MORE

Interpretation wars around Hungarian history

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Commentators on the left and right trade accusations about hidden agendas and propagating half-truths concerning the charges of anti-Semitism, the heritage of Imre Nagy and the Strasbourg court ruling on wearing the red star in public. READ MORE

Mid-term evaluations of the Fidesz government

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Centrist analysts call the economic performance of the government disheartening, while right-wing commentators draw attention to a recent opinion poll according to which voters are still more satisfied with the present government than with the two previous ones.


2013 draft budget might be too optimistic

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

A right wing columnist suggests that the 2013 draft budget figures to be submitted to Parliament might be too optimistic, although they had been intended to reassure the markets. A left wing pundit thinks Economy Minister György Matolcsy’s attempt to refute an article published in The Economist is damaging to Hungary’s reputation. READ MORE

History as the main battlefield of the culture wars

Friday, June 15th, 2012

A leading conservative journalist calls for a peaceful assessment of 20th century Hungarian history, and blames the left for refusing to face the negative heritage of the Communist past. READ MORE

Fidesz must reverse current trends to win in 2014

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

A centrist commentator suggests that Fidesz is sliding towards electoral defeat, and to change that trend a shift would be needed in government policies. READ MORE

Municipal elections in Romania: a flop?

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

A right wing journalist believes the Romanian elections turned out much as expected: voters punished the former governing coalition for going along with the dictates of the IMF.  A left wing daily, on the other hand, publishes a commentary with the title “RMDSZ-Fidesz 3:0”, suggesting that the engagement of Fidesz on behalf of two small ethnic Hungarian parties backfired. READ MORE

For want of a credible opposition

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

A left-wing commentator argues that although the Orbán government has not done much, it may still win the next election for want of a credible alternative. READ MORE

Hungarian fairy tale or sickness on the Danube? Who is right: The Economist or György Matolcsy?

Monday, June 11th, 2012

A left-wing pundit chastises public officials and the conservative press for what he calls their pathetic attempts to deny the charges levelled against the government in the West. Former chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel of Austria takes up PM Orbán’s defence. Otherwise, observers across the political spectrum agree that Hungary faces significant difficulties in the months ahead. READ MORE