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PM Orbán wants non-profit utility providers

Saturday, August 25th, 2012

A liberal conservative commentator criticizes PM Orbán’s plan to transform public utilities into non-profit businesses. According to Véleményvezér, the Premier wants to boost his support by opening up a new controversy with the EU. READ MORE

Austerity or stimulus?

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Commentators across the political spectrum debate whether public programs or restrictions on spending would help most to overcome the economic crisis.  Pro-government analysts recommend a Keynesian stimulus, while a liberal economist considers this option unavailable for the Hungarian government. READ MORE

A Gyurcsány-associate on Orbán’s social revolution

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

Sociologist Tibor Dessewffy, a former advisor to Ferenc Gyurcsány, believes that PM Viktor Orbán”s aim is the complete restructuring of Hungarian society. According to the left-wing pundit, the prime minister is attempting nothing less than a reshuffle of social classes, in order to entrench his power. READ MORE

Health care wage hikes

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

A right-wing columnist welcomes efforts by the Hungarian government to fulfil its promise to offer significant salary rises to doctors and nurses. She notes, however, that in the current health care system it is not possible to offer salaries which are competitive at a European level. READ MORE

Conflict over Saint Stephen’s heritage

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

A right-wing commentator praises the Orbán government for continuing Saint Stephen’s heritage by strengthening the Hungarian state. A left-wing columnist, on the other hand, accuses the government of betraying the legendary Hungarian king’s efforts to modernize the country, by weakening democracy and turning away from the West. READ MORE

Revisionist remarks only harm Hungarian minority

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Heti Válasz warns that the comments of Fidesz MP Zoltán Kőszegi concerning territorial revision are not exactly a laughing matter, even if the government has distanced itself from his “personal opinion”. READ MORE

Sólyom repeats his criticism of the government

Monday, August 20th, 2012

In an interview published in Heti Válasz, former president László Sólyom repeated his earlier criticism, that the government’s “military-style tactics” lead nowhere, and are harmful to democracy. In response, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics said Sólyom cannot see the wood for the trees. READ MORE

Bajnai’s thinktank accused of trickery

Monday, August 20th, 2012

Only a day after heaping praise on an analysis by Gordon Bajnai’s foundation, Magyar Nemzet believes that Haza és Haladás are deliberately overstating the electoral chances of Fidesz, in order to establish themselves as the leading force uniting the Hungarian Left. READ MORE

Strategic paper by Bajnai’s thinktank praised by Magyar Nemzet

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

A leading columnist at Magyar Nemzet thinks the analysis published by former PM Gordon Bajnai’s thinktank, proves that Hungary is a democracy – it is up to the opposition to present an attractive alternative to Fidesz. READ MORE

Opposition strategies for 2014

Friday, August 17th, 2012

A think-tank founded by former Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai outlines different electoral scenarios for 2014, and suggests that only a large party or alliance with a strong presence in all 106 constituencies will have a chance of winning the next elections. READ MORE