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Clash over preliminary voter registration

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

A leading LMP official thinks that at the end of the day there will be no compulsory voter registration in Hungary, while a moderate conservative commentator argues that the law will pass and will not do any harm to free elections. READ MORE

Right-wing analyst critical of planned sanctions against Ukraine

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Magyar Nemzet cautions the west against imposing sanctions on Ukraine. He believes punishing the Ukrainians would be unjust and could backfire. READ MORE

Is the left to remain fragmented?

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Analysts doubt that the opposition to the left of Fidesz can run in a united block at the parliamentary elections in 2014, although under the new electoral system separate forces will only have a very feeble chance of gaining a parliamentary majority. READ MORE

The Czech Republic allowed to subsidise its air company – unlike Hungary

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Left- and right-wing commentators draw diametrically opposed conclusions from the news that public subsidy for CSA Czech public airlines has been approved by the European Commission. READ MORE

Why the government is tough about the IMF talks

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

A leading pro-government commentator argues that Hungary can afford to be tough at the negotiations with the IMF-EU duo, and is right to stand up for its own interests. READ MORE

NGO leader against MSZP domination on the left

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The leader of the Milla movement says a new pole should be set up within the opposition. He agrees that the left wing should form an alliance at the next election, but does not want that alliance to be ruled by the Socialist Party. READ MORE

Armenian overreaction criticised

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

A pro-government pundit rejects Armenian accusations in connection with the “axe murderer affair,” and suggests that they are due to Armenia’s own problems rather than Hungary’s behaviour. READ MORE

Up and downsides of the new electoral procedure

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

An independent conservative analyst compares the advantages and drawbacks of the new bill regulating electoral procedures, and believes the final scoresheet is positive. READ MORE

Government to buy back savings bank

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

A conservative columnist welcomes the government’s plan to buy German DZ’s share in Takarékbank, a small savings bank, which carries out about 5 per cent of all banking transactions. She believes this is a first step towards a sounder ownership structure in the banking world. READ MORE

Government U-turn on domestic violence

Monday, September 17th, 2012

A pro-government columnist joins left-wing commentators in criticizing a Fidesz MP for downplaying domestic violence. After the governing party promises to explicitly sanction domestic violence, left-wing commentators welcome the decision and note that democracy “may not be lost”, after all. READ MORE