Author Archive
Tuesday, November 20th, 2012
While centre-left columnists find the decision self-destructive, and suggest that it plays into the hands of Fidesz, centre-right bloggers celebrate it as a triumph of principles over political pressure. Some analysts forecast a split in the party, while others claim it was high time for LMP to decide where it stands. Major right-wing papers have not commented on the decision as yet. READ MORE
Monday, November 19th, 2012
Liberal and left-wing commentators contend that Fidesz wants to entrench itself in power by adding new elements to the Electoral Law. Even some conservative columnists find the bill controversial. READ MORE
Saturday, November 17th, 2012
A right-wing columnist accuses the EU of mindlessly serving the interests of Western European banks by forcing economically paralyzing restrictions on highly indebted member states on the periphery of the continent. A left-wing pundit on the other hand sees no alternative to austerity and welfare cuts. READ MORE
Friday, November 16th, 2012
Left-wing commentators accuse the Christian Democrats of discriminating against domestic partnerships by denying them the same legal status marriages have. A conservative columnist on the other hand contends that traditional families are the cornerstones of healthy nations. READ MORE
Thursday, November 15th, 2012
Left-wing and centrist commentators who ponder a Fidesz MP”s legal action against offensive online comments believe that Fidesz is trying to silence its critics at any price. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand, accuses the left of whipping up ideological hatred. READ MORE
Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
A pro-government columnist vehemently criticizes MSZP leader Mesterházy for labeling the Hungarian government fascist, in a left-wing Italian daily. A left-wing commentator notes that conservative dailies have also warned of undemocratic tendencies in Hungary. READ MORE
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012
Analysts believe that the green party which has so far emphasized its centrist identity, will soon have to decide whether or not to join the left-wing alliance. Both options are considered extremely risky, pundits warn ahead of the LMP congress scheduled for next week-end. READ MORE
Monday, November 12th, 2012
Left-wing pundits urge the Socialist Party to accept former PM Bajnai’s new political group as an equal ally. Mr Gyurcsány’s aide finds it unfair that “Together 2014” dissociates itself from the DK. A right-wing analyst argues that Bajnai represents a gloomy past, rather than a shining future. READ MORE
Saturday, November 10th, 2012
Népszabadság disagrees with the ruling of the European Court of Justice, but suggests Hungary should try to agree with Slovakia on Tokaj wine standards. READ MORE
Friday, November 9th, 2012
An independent-minded conservative columnist envies America, where the election of a President is a great day – and not just for the winner. He cautions against the planned further electoral reforms in Hungary, due to his concern that they would only produce anger and resentment. READ MORE