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Hungary celebrates August 20

August 22nd, 2017

A pro-government columnist agrees with President Áder that Hungary needs to control migration and protect its borders to maintain the heritage of St. Stephen.

In Magyar Hirlap, Mariann Őry in a comment on President Áder’s August 20 speech finds it peculiar that Hungary stands accused of violating basic European principles. In his speech, President Áder underscored that the first kings of Hungary made the country part of Christian Europe. President Áder also noted that in order to protect King Stephen’s heritage of ‘a free European country’, the borders of Hungary need to be defended. Őry believes that the Orbán government’s policies are fully in-line with St. Stephen’s ideas – the Hungarian government wants to protect the sovereignty of the country, the security of its citizens as well as Europe through strict border control. Őry likens multiculturalism and pro-immigration ideas to ‘spiritual and physical suicide’, and cautions that Europe cannot survive without reproducing and maintaining the ‘Leitkultur’ (leading culture) of European nation states.
