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Jobbik getting stronger

September 17th, 2011

According to a recent poll, the radical right-wing Jobbik has now overtaken the Socialists to become Hungary’s strongest opposition party. A right-wing blogger ponders whether  Jobbik might become a coalition partner for Fidesz some time in the future.

“If elections were held this Friday, Jobbik would receive more votes than the MSZP,” a blogger writing under the pen name Doktor Kottász in the moderately pro-government Mandiner comments, citing a recent opinion poll published by the liberal conservative Nézőpont (Vantage Point) Institute.

According to the pollster, Fidesz maintains its lead and would receive 59 per cent of the votes. 18 per cent would vote for the radical right-wing Jobbik, while only 15 per cent support the Socialist MSZP. Centrist-green LMP’s support stands at 5 percent.

“Optimistic right-wingers can easily assume that the numbers confirm the end of left-wing liberalism, post-communism and the final eclipse of the MSZP,” Kottász notes, adding that in his view it would be premature to celebrate the demise of the Socialists.

Nevertheless, he suggests that the real danger for Fidesz is that its disappointed voters might turn to a strong right-wing radical party promising increased welfare and social provisions.

Kottász presumes that if the radical-right wing party cannot increase its support further, it’s wisest strategy would be to move as close as possible to Fidesz, in the hope of attracting its disillusioned right-wing supporters.

But for the moment, he finds, Jobbik’s harsh criticism of government policies suggests that the radical-right wing party wishes to increase its popularity by acting as a credible alternative to the current government, rather than moving closer to Fidesz.
