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Opposing views on the Ukraine peace conference

June 19th, 2024

A left-wing commentator cautiously welcomes the outcome of the summit held in Switzerland on the war in Ukraine, while a pro-government columnist believes that it did nothing to promote peace.

In Népszava, Tamás Rónay suggests that the conference was a moderate success for Ukraine, as it was also attended by many important powers, including Brazil, South Africa, and India which otherwise entertain good relations with Moscow. True, he continues, they didn’t join the 80 signatories of the final declaration which rejected the Russian claim that Ukraine should resign itself to giving up one-fifth of its territory. Rónay remarks however that the United States was only represented by Vice President Kamala Haris and that the text adopted was milder than the UN General Assembly resolution last year which demanded the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

In Magyar Nemzet, Levente Sitkei believes that the summit held in Switzerland was a gathering of people who want the war in Ukraine to continue. He sees no military solution for the conflict and thus believes that all the human and material sacrifice it involves is a waste of lives and money. Sitkei praises Foreign Minister Szijjártó who attended the conference in an effort to promote peace, even if most participants opted for war instead.

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