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Fidesz not to join Meloni’s ECR

June 21st, 2024

A liberal columnist sees the governing party’s decision not to join the Conservatives and Reformers group in the European Parliament as sour grapes.

On 444, Anna Jelinek writes sarcastically that Fidesz refuses to join a group that has no intention of having it among its members anyway. Máté Kocsis, Fidesz’s floor leader in Parliament said joining ECR is ’out of the question’ for Fidesz, after the group admitted AUR, Romania’s radical nationalist party among its members. Jelinek suspects the real reason is that Fidesz’s tentative move to join was opposed by at least four national delegations within the ECR group. She refers to a report by Italy’s Corriere della Sera daily about the Swedish, Czech, Flemish, and the Finnish MEPs within the ECR who opposed Fidesz membership on account of what she describes as Fidesz’ pro-Russian attitude.

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