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Government ally urges end to ’negative spiral’ in relations with Brussels

May 30th, 2024

A veteran conservative diplomat believes Hungary should show readiness to compromise in its relations with the  European Union.

In Országút, a print cultural monthly financed by the Ministry of Culture, Gergely Prőhle, a former Ambassador to Berlin and Bern laments that Hungary’s ties with the EU have progressively deteriorated over the past 14 years. Prőhle who currently serves as director of the John Lukacs Institute of strategic studies at the National University of Public Service concedes that Hungary may have valid reasons for defending traditional European values, but can hardly be successful in representing its position without allies. He also admits that the government’s regular clashes with Brussels have bolstered its constituency at home and resulted in repeated electoral victories. He finds it urgent, however, to break out of the ’negative spiral’ in Hungary’s relations with western allies

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