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French terrorist acts depicted as an attack on Christianity

October 31st, 2020

Two right-wing commentators see the French terrorist attacks as an assault on Christianity, and accuse left-wing liberal advocates of multiculturalism and an open society of being complicit in the violence.

Magyar Nemzet’s Ottó Gajdics interprets the terrorist attacks as an attempt to erase the ‘European ethos’ and Christianity from Europe. The pro-government commentator believes that the brutal murders show the dangers of open societies and also prove that ‘Muslim masses’ who look down on Christians cannot be integrated. Gajdics goes on to claim that advocates of a multicultural society envisioned by the ‘Soros plan’ play into the hands of Muslim radicals, by advocating the creation of diverse societies and the elimination of Christian symbols from public life. Gajdics believe that the ‘social engineers, atheists and transvestites’ who want to create neutral and tolerant public spaces hate their own identity. Gajdics adds that despite their efforts to make Europe more accommodating of diversity, they are themselves unlikely to be tolerated by Islamic radicals.

In Magyar Hírlap, László Petrin writes that besides condemning all violence and brutality, it is time to call for the restriction of opinions that insult the religious views held by Christians, Muslims and Jews. The right-wing commentator thinks that freedom of speech should not entail the right of blasphemy or the violation of the human dignity of religious persons. Petrin recalls that Charlie Hebdo published caricatures mocking not only the Prophet Muhammed, but also Jesus. He goes on to accuse France of using double standards when defending the right to publish cartoons that are blasphemous and insult religious feelings. He recalls that fines were imposed during the past decade on several people who pointed out the inhumanity of the French occupation in Algeria, among others, the beheading of Algerian resistance fighters.

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