The Left lacks a narrative
November 7th, 2017A former Christian Democrat leader thinks that the demise of the left-wing parties is due first of all to their lack of a vision of the kind of Hungary they should propose to the electorate.
Writing in Népszava, György Giczy, who used to serve as Chairman of the Christian Democratic Party in the mid-1990s, laments the fact that left-wing parties squander their energies on infighting, and only offer policies on individual segments of the economy or of society, but have no general story to tell their potential voters. The governing forces, on the other hand, have a well-established narrative in which Hungarians are depicted as in need of protection which they can only be provided by Fidesz. They insert all concrete policy proposals into this general picture which makes them appear as credible and serious in the eyes of their constituency. The Left, on the other hand has no story, no narrative of its own, apart from opposing government policies. That is why, Giczy writes, the bulk of the electorate feels that left-wing parties only care for themselves and their seats in parliament.