European “tolerance towards intolerance” criticised
July 11th, 2015A pro-government author accuses the leaders of the continent of showing almost limitless tolerance towards illegal migrants and thus opening the gates of Europe to ‘Muslim conquest’.
In Napi Gazdaság, László Petrin believes that as things stand at present, the islamisation of Europe is only a matter of time. He mentions what he calls a “rape wave” in Western Europe as proof that “many Muslim men” tend to consider Europe as a land to be conquered, although he cautions against generalisations. In Belgium and in the Netherlands, he continues, organisations openly demanding sharia justice for Muslims flourish, while in Great Britain one out of three Muslim students sympathise with Islamist terror. Under these conditions he finds it shocking that Europe organises no concerted effort to the current wave of illegal Muslim immigration. On the other hand, he praises the Hungarian government which dares to be “intolerant towards intolerance”.